Important pointers to viewing this site at its best:
It looks best viewed in the Safari browser in full window view. You may need to 'scroll down' with your mouse/cursor to see the entire page.
How to view the artwork catagories:
Scroll down this page and enter the 'Art Portofolio / Home' tab. Always return to this tab to enter the artworks, contact, and info pages.
There is an automated image box scrolling through the works in each catagory.
The center images shown in the automated scrolling sequences, are not the full sized images, they are just a peak view of the artwork...
How to expand the artwork to their true size:
To view the works in their entire 'expanded' size, simply 'click' your mouse on the given automated scrolling image at the center of the page to have it expand.
To see the dimensions and title:
If they disappear, put the mouse/cursor on the large scrolling image again, to have the title/dimensions re-appear.
How to jump to the next image:
In the expanded mode simply click within the expanded image again, to allow it to jump to the next image.
How to revisit a specific image of a piece of art in a series quickly:
If you want to view a particular work in a series again, simply find the corresponding 'thumbnail' image below the viewing box.
The thumbnails are found on each page at the bottom of the larger viewing box. Simply select one by 'clicking' on one of the small images, called 'thumbnails' to open and click again on the image to expand it to its full size.
How to exit a catagory and go to the Art Portofolio / Home tab again:
If you wish to close out of a series and you are in the expanded image mode, scroll your mouse up to the top of the page and click on the 'X' at the top right hand corner of the expanded image to exit.